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Attack Phase

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Q33Update on August 09, 2024

Attack Phase

During a battle, what happens when the BP of the attacking character and the blocking character are the same value?

The attacking character wins the battle. Sideline the blocking character. The attacking character is not sidelined in this situation.

Q34Update on August 09, 2024

Attack Phase

During a battle, what happens when the blocking character's BP is greater than the attacking character's BP?

The blocking character wins, and neither the attacking character nor the blocking character are sidelined.

Q35Update on August 09, 2024

Attack Phase

When I perform a trigger check on multiple cards simultaneously and some revealed cards have triggers and some don't, am I free to resolve trigger abilities on cards and place cards without triggers into my sideline in any order I want?

Yes. You are free to perform those actions in any order you want.

Q36Update on August 09, 2024

Attack Phase

If I deal 2 damage to my opponent with ▼Damage (2)▼ when they have 2 life and performing a trigger check on both cards simultaneously reveals one of them has a Final trigger, does it activate? How do we resolve it if both cards have a Final trigger?

Yes, it activates.
If both cards have a Final trigger, your opponent resolves the first one by placing the top card of their deck into their life area, then the second trigger does not activate because they now have one life.

Q37Update on August 09, 2024

Attack Phase

When a trigger ability activates, do the other abilities on that card activate as well?

No. Only the trigger ability activates.

Q38Update on August 09, 2024

Attack Phase

If I am performing a trigger check and a character is played, do [When Played] abilities activate? If they do, is the trigger check still in progress while I am performing them?

Yes, [When Played] abilities activate. If playing the character results in the activation of new abilities, you can perform them together with any unresolved trigger abilities in any order you want. The trigger check remains in progress that entire time.

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