Terrible Tornado
- card
- Title
- Required
- AP Cost
- 1
- Card
Type - Character
- BP
- 4000
- Affinity
- Hero
- Generated
Energy -
- Effect
<Terrible Tornado> Switch to active. May move to the front line.
If you have used an event card this turn, this character gains
(When this character attacks and wins a battle, deal 1 damage to your opponent.)
Reduce the AP cost of the next event card you use from your hand this turn by 1. You can only activate this <Terrible Tornado> ability one time each turn.
- Trigger
Add this card to your hand, or if you have the required energy, perform Raid with it.
Q257Update on February 21, 2025
What does the "this ability" portion of "You can only activate this <Terrible Tornado> ability one time each turn" refer to?
It refers only to the "[Activate: Main] #If on the Front Line# Reduce the AP cost of the next event card you use from your hand this turn by 1" ability. It does not refer to other abilities on the same card.
Q258Update on February 21, 2025
If I have two of these cards on my field, can I activate each of their [Activate: Main] abilities one time during the same turn?
No. You can only activate one of them.
Q259Update on February 21, 2025
Is a "Reduce the AP cost of the next condition fulfilling card you use from your hand this turn by 1" ability lost if I first use a card that does not fulfill the condition?
No, it is not lost.